Banquo is dead

  In the play right now, Macbeth has just talked to some murderers about killing Banquo (his best friend, crazzzzzzzyyyyyy) and he has interrogated Banquo, so that he will know when the murderers need to be ready to kill. He first had to convince these murderers that Banquo is a terrible guy and that he, Macbeth, brings only good. They actually listened to him, and they agreed to sit outside and wait to kill Banquo and Fleance, which is Banquos son, aka the next king. Macbeth feels very threatened because of what the witches said will come true, so he just feels the need to kill. 

   As for me, Lady Macduff, nothing new has occurred since my last entry. My husband is still gone in England to find Malcolm and I am still in Fife with my children. I am worried about what Macbeth will do if Malcolm does return and they bring the English Army to defend the Scottish land. I try not to think about these sad things that could happen, so I just look for the happy moments, such as everyday that passes is a day closer to Macduff returning home and all of us being a happy family again.

    I do predict that my husband can do anything he sets his mind to. I believe he will return with Malcolm and that Scotland will be well again, and my family will be whole again. 

   Since I believe that Macbeth has murder on the mind, I worry about the people closest to him. Maybe he has a temper that no one knows about. But with that, I must also worry about my own family since my husband is taking such a huge risk, I just hope that no one, especially Macbeth, finds out where he is.

I fear for my family, as a mother bird fears for her babies to leave the nest


Ms. May said…
That was a beautiful simile. And extremely relevant for your current situation!

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