2 Years Later...

   I am still dead, I know it is very surprising. I still miss Macduff every day that goes by, but time has been moving very quickly. Each day that passes is a day closer to being reunited. But other than that I really enjoy being dead. I still get to be with my children and I get to hangout with Banquo, King Duncan, and Young Siward. They are all very nice company and we are all very good friends now. Macduff talks to me every night as if I were still there, and that is the favorite part of my day. As for Macbeth, we get letters from him and his Lady and they are truly suffering. They deserve it, but I do feel bad for him still.

   Since I have been dead for two years, I have tried out a lot of new things. I now go back down to Scotland as a ghost just to check on everything and make sure that Malcolm is doing a great job as a ruler. Malcolm is a great King, jut like his father. He admires his father and he also speaks to him everyday. I regret not leaving behind a bigger legacy, but I find comfort knowing that my husband will always love and value what I did when I was alive. As for what I will do next, probably nothing. I like relaxing and talking to all of the super cool dead people and watching over my husband. I don't expect much to change ever. This is just the beginning of my afterlife.


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