Worrys 😬

My husband has now left on him journey to England. I am not sure if many people know where he is going or why he is going, but I do! He is going to find Malcolm because Malcolm is the rightful king. He was next in line following his fathers death, but Donalbain and Malcolm fled after the murder, which made them look very guilty. Macduff has a different thought. After meeting Macbeth, he doesn't see Macbeth as a trustworthy person. Maybe, just maybe, it was Macbeth after all????

I, on the other hand, have no choice but to remain at my home in Fife because my husband has set out to find Malcolm. My life is very boring, so I am very glad that i get to live my life through my husbands fun adventures!

My biggest worry right now is that people are going to find out that Macduff has left, and why he left. If someone finds out that he is trying to get rid of Macbeth, I will fear for my life! This whole thing could put me and my family is a world of danger!


Ms. May said…
I worry your fears have a solid foundation. I'll cross my fingers for you.

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