Ugly Witches

     So, Macbeth had a prophecy from the three ugly witches. They seem kinda crazy, but I don't know. Anyways, Macbeth took this prophecy very seriously that he would become King after the battle he had just won. He then went to the castle where King Duncan crowned him Thane of Cawdore, and then they were off to Macbeths' castle to celebrate winning the battle and becoming the new Thane of Cawdore. But before they headed to the castle, Macbeth wrote his wife a letter about what the witches told him and she started to prepare the murder to happen at their castle, that night.

    I haven't had the privilage yet to meet all of these wonderful people I am hearing so much about. I did hear, however, that everyone is celebrating the win of the battle at Macbeths' castle. I am a little mad I wasn't invited, but it is fine, I will get over itπŸ˜ͺ I did hear that King Duncan is also staying the night at the castle, which I was a little surprised about, but other than that, I hope they have a wonderful, and safe party!

Image result for macbeth meme


Ms. May said…
You might be glad you weren't invited. Or you might stay bitter. Who knows! I can't wait to find out!

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