Macduff wins!

My wonderful husband Macduff won the battle! I was so nervous when I was watching him fight, but he came out of it victorious, and for that, I am forever grateful! Macduff sent the English army to fight Macbeths people, leaving only him to battle Macbeth. Macbeth is dead, and so is Lady Macbeth, but the two of them are living down in Hell. Now, Malcolm is King, the rightful King, which means Scotland has returned to normal and the curse has lifted. Macbeth was the worst thing to happen to Scotland and I think everyone is glad that he is gone. I believe that Malcolm will return everything to the way it was and rule as amazingly as his father, King Duncan, did. Scotland will take awhile to recover after having such a terrible tyrant, but I'm sure that my husband will help in returning everything to normal. I am so so so so sooo proud of my husband. I miss him dearly, but I find comfort knowing I will see him again one day.


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