
Showing posts from March, 2020

2 Years Later...

   I am still dead, I know it is very surprising. I still miss Macduff every day that goes by, but time has been moving very quickly. Each day that passes is a day closer to being reunited. But other than that I really enjoy being dead. I still get to be with my children and I get to hangout with Banquo, King Duncan, and Young Siward. They are all very nice company and we are all very good friends now. Macduff talks to me every night as if I were still there, and that is the favorite part of my day. As for Macbeth, we get letters from him and his Lady and they are truly suffering. They deserve it, but I do feel bad for him still.    Since I have been dead for two years, I have tried out a lot of new things. I now go back down to Scotland as a ghost just to check on everything and make sure that Malcolm is doing a great job as a ruler. Malcolm is a great King, jut like his father. He admires his father and he also speaks to him everyday. I regret not leaving behind a bigger legacy, bu

Macduff wins!

My wonderful husband Macduff won the battle! I was so nervous when I was watching him fight, but he came out of it victorious, and for that, I am forever grateful! Macduff sent the English army to fight Macbeths people, leaving only him to battle Macbeth. Macbeth is dead, and so is Lady Macbeth, but the two of them are living down in Hell. Now, Malcolm is King, the rightful King, which means Scotland has returned to normal and the curse has lifted. Macbeth was the worst thing to happen to Scotland and I think everyone is glad that he is gone. I believe that Malcolm will return everything to the way it was and rule as amazingly as his father, King Duncan, did. Scotland will take awhile to recover after having such a terrible tyrant, but I'm sure that my husband will help in returning everything to normal. I am so so so so sooo proud of my husband. I miss him dearly, but I find comfort knowing I will see him again one day.

Macbeth Must Die!

  I am still dead in case anyone was wondering. I am carefully watching over Macduff and he now knows that we are all dead. It was such a sad moment to watch him break down like this, but I believe it will make him want Macbeth dead even more. He is now on his way back from England with an army of people to fight Macbeth, as well as Malcolm, the rightful King. I am supporting Macduff through everything and I can see that the Macbeth family is slowly falling apart. Macbeth is just plain rude and greedy and his wife is truly crazy. I think she is possessed because she is walking and talking in her sleep! I still fear for Macduffs' life when it comes to Macbeth, but I have complete faith in him and even if he does die in battle, at least he will die trying to save Scotland, and then he will get to see me again!    I hope that Macbeth dies. I know that he will go to Hell so I don't have to worry about seeing him. I truly hope that Macduff will defeat Macbeth and make Scotland a g

So basically, I am dead

   I suppose you could say a lot has changed since the last time i blogged. I am now dead, as well as my children. So basically, I still have to take care of the children while Macduff is out having fun. I am SO angry. I never got to meet anyone except for my cousin Ross and some people that came in my house and murdered me, oh and some weird servant that came to my door and told me that me and my family should leave. I thought the servant sounded crazy, so I ignored him, but now I wish I would have listened. My poor children never got to grow up or have families of their own. Who will now take over as the Thane of Fife after the passing of my husband?     As for what happens next, I guess I will now find out. I am dead, so nothing else can happen to me, but I did meet King Duncan, he is actually a great guy, and I have also met Banquo, who is another great guy. It seems that Macbeth must fear all of us kind souls, because he is behind all of our deaths, and he killed King Duncan hi

Banquo is dead

  In the play right now, Macbeth has just talked to some murderers about killing Banquo (his best friend, crazzzzzzzyyyyyy) and he has interrogated Banquo, so that he will know when the murderers need to be ready to kill.  He first had to convince these murderers that Banquo is a terrible guy and that he, Macbeth, brings only good. They actually listened to him, and they agreed to sit outside and wait to kill Banquo and Fleance, which is Banquos son, aka the next king. Macbeth feels very threatened because of what the witches said will come true, so he just feels the need to kill.     As for me, Lady Macduff, nothing new has occurred since my last entry. My husband is still gone in England to find Malcolm and I am still in Fife with my children. I am worried about what Macbeth will do if Malcolm does return and they bring the English Army to defend the Scottish land. I try not to think about these sad things that could happen, so I just look for the happy moments, such as everyday th