
Showing posts from February, 2020

Worrys 😬

My husband has now left on him journey to England. I am not sure if many people know where he is going or why he is going, but I do! He is going to find Malcolm because Malcolm is the rightful king. He was next in line following his fathers death, but Donalbain and Malcolm fled after the murder, which made them look very guilty. Macduff has a different thought. After meeting Macbeth, he doesn't see Macbeth as a trustworthy person. Maybe, just maybe, it was Macbeth after all???? I, on the other hand, have no choice but to remain at my home in Fife because my husband has set out to find Malcolm. My life is very boring, so I am very glad that i get to live my life through my husbands fun adventures! My biggest worry right now is that people are going to find out that Macduff has left, and why he left. If someone finds out that he is trying to get rid of Macbeth, I will fear for my life! This whole thing could put me and my family is a world of danger!

Still at home...

   Right now, I am taking my responsibility as a housewife and a full time mother very seriously. I love my children and I love getting to spend all of my time with them, but I do feel that having to stay at home with my children is holding me back from everything that is going on right now. I have yet to meet anyone, but maybe Macduff will allow me to take a break soon and meet someone. I would be honored to meet King Macbeth soon. I hope he will be a great leader!    My husband has recently returned home, and I have missed him dearly. He is still in a state of shock after discovering the dead King Duncan. Hopefully he will recover from this horror soon. He plans to go to England in search of Malcolm to get the rightful king and to save Scotland. I am trying to see the best in this situation, as well as support my husband.

Poor King Duncan

So, I am still at home, caring for my wonderful children and missing my husband dearly. There seems to be lots going on revolving Macbeth. My poor, poor husband had to find the kings DEAD body. He must still be in total shock. He has recently returned home to visit us, but he is soon setting off on a journey through England. I am starting to worry that he will be blamed for the murder of our wonderful King Duncan. I really do hope that justice is served for the murder of our King, and I hope I will get to meet some of these people soon.

Ugly Witches

     So, Macbeth had a prophecy from the three ugly witches. They seem kinda crazy, but I don't know. Anyways, Macbeth took this prophecy very seriously that he would become King after the battle he had just won. He then went to the castle where King Duncan crowned him Thane of Cawdore, and then they were off to Macbeths' castle to celebrate winning the battle and becoming the new Thane of Cawdore. But before they headed to the castle, Macbeth wrote his wife a letter about what the witches told him and she started to prepare the murder to happen at their castle, that night.     I haven't had the privilage yet to meet all of these wonderful people I am hearing so much about. I did hear, however, that everyone is celebrating the win of the battle at Macbeths' castle. I am a little mad I wasn't invited, but it is fine, I will get over itπŸ˜ͺ I did hear that King Duncan is also staying the night at the castle, which I was a little surprised about, but other than that, I

The Battle πŸ‘Š πŸ˜•

 So I just heard all about the battle. Macbeth is amazing. He is a true hero and so kind to everyone that he even has the respect of King Duncan. I heard he was also made Thane of Cawdor and Thane of Glamis. The old Thane of Cawdor was such a traitor, I am glad that position was given to a worthy man. I am sure my husband will have something to say about the battle and Macbeths role in the battle.               ~KB